Tips And Tricks To Ease Dental Anxiety

Tips And Tricks To Ease Dental Anxiety

Most people experience some level of dental anxiety. If you are one of them, you aren’t alone. Dental anxiety keeps millions of people from visiting the dentist every year. Dental anxiety leads to a variety of consequences, including poor oral health and an increased risk of developing a dental phobia.

Speak Up About Your Fears

It can be hard to talk about your dental fears to your dentist. However, this is very important for the dentist to be able to help you manage and conquer your fears. It is important to get a full picture of the issues you’re facing with the dentist and what your concern is so that you can work together to find a solution that works for you.

Agree on a Signal

A lot of anxiety comes from the fear of the unknown. For example, if you are receiving a shot, it can help relieve some of the stress if you have a hand signal with your dentist that they can give you to signal that the shot is coming. Similarly, if you are worried that you will suffer pain and the dentist needs to administer local anesthesia, you can agree on a hand signal, so they know to give you the numbing medication before the pain starts.

Take a Trusted Person With You

Bringing a trusted friend or family member to your appointment can help ease your nerves. They can sit in the back row and take notes for you if you need them to. They can also hold your hand, give you a hug, or just be a calming presence if you’re nervous.

By bringing someone else along with you, you are also able to keep them up-to-date on your oral health. They can help you remember things that the dentist may have told you and can encourage you and your dentist to come to a decision together regarding your oral health.

Sometimes it can be helpful to bring someone along who isn’t afraid at all of going to the dentist. This way, you can still have someone there to comfort you, but you’ll be able to see firsthand that they aren’t scared. This can sometimes help to alleviate your own fears.

Bring Distractions

If you are nervous about your appointment, bring a distraction like a book or music you can listen to through headphones. This can help you feel calmer and more relaxed. If you bring along a friend, family member, etc., who you feel safe with, they can bring you comfort throughout the procedure by talking quietly nearby and reassuring you that everything is going smoothly. Your dentist may also have some relaxing options for you! 

Consider Sedation Dentistry

Many patients avoid going to the dentist due to fear or anxiety, and for some patients, that anxiety is so severe that their oral health suffers as a result of their lack of care. It’s important to remember that your oral health impacts your overall health. Without treatment, a small cavity can easily become an infection and lead to more serious health risks such as heart disease and diabetes.

If fear of the dentist is keeping you from getting the care you need, consider sedation dentistry. For example, nitrous oxide can help patients relax during their treatment. Nitrous oxide is a sedative gas that is inhaled through a mask worn over the mouth. It is safe for both children and adults. Many patients even fall asleep during treatment because they are so relaxed! Oral conscious sedation is also available for patients who may need it. It’s safe and effective for patients of all ages, too. Patients take a pill about an hour before their appointment to help them relax during the appointment. Because of this, they will need to have someone drive them to and from the appointment. Sedation dentistry can also help ease other fears such as sensitive teeth, gum disease, cracked or damaged teeth, and more. Talk with your dentist about any fears you may have about your oral health so you can work together towards a solution together.

If you want to learn more, schedule a consultation with our dentist in Spanish Fork, UT, by calling us at (385) 448-1500 or book your appointment online. 


743 E 700 N, Spanish Fork, UT 84660

Phone: (385) 448-1500


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