How to Solve Problems with Your Dental Sealants?

How to Solve Problems with Your Dental Sealants?

A dental sealant is a thin, plastic coating that is applied to the chewing surface of molars and premolars. Molars and premolars are the teeth that are furthest back in your mouth and usually contain pits and fissures. These pits and fissures are the deep grooves on the chewing surfaces of your teeth that trap food particles and bacteria. When these food particles are not properly cleaned and removed by brushing or flossing, the bacteria will begin to break them down and produce acids that can break down the enamel or cause cavities.

In order to keep bacteria and food particles from getting stuck in these deep crevices, sealants can be applied specifically to these areas. The sealant acts as a barrier that keeps food and bacteria from getting trapped here and causing potential problems later on. Depending on the type used, sealants last anywhere for up to a decade before needing to be reapplied. It is important to keep good oral hygiene habits during this time to ensure your sealants stay in place for as long as possible and avoid any further problems.

Why Do You Need Sealants?

The tiny crevices in your teeth can be hard to clean when brushing alone, which allows plaque and bacteria to gather and create cavities. Sealants are a thin, clear coating that is applied to these vulnerable areas to create a protective shield against unwanted cavity development and decay. Some patients need additional protection around deep grooves and fissures in the molars, which can harbor bacteria and food particles. Children and adults can benefit from dental sealants. 

These thin plastic coatings are applied quickly and painlessly on the chewing surfaces of your back teeth, where decay most commonly occurs. Dental sealants can also protect the surface of your adult back molars from developing surface stains caused by wine, tea, coffee, and other dark-colored foods and drinks.

When Should You Get Sealants?

Getting dental sealants on your teeth can be beneficial for people of all ages, from children to older adults. 

Children should get their first set of tooth sealants between the ages of about 6 and 16 months. At this point, their teeth are still developing, and cracks in their molars are quite common. Sealing these teeth early can protect them from tooth decay. Typically, children should get another set around the age of 12 or 14. As adults continue using their teeth over time, the chances of them getting cavities can increase, so having dental sealants can give them an extra layer of protection. If you have had dental work such as fillings or crowns in the past, your cosmetic dentist may recommend you get your sealant replaced every three to five years.

If you want to know more about dental sealants, schedule a consultation with our dentist in Spanish Fork, UT, by calling us at (385) 448-1500 or book your appointment online. 


743 E 700 N, Spanish Fork, UT 84660

Phone: (385) 448-1500


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